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Do You Need To Fully Charge Zenyetta Attack To Do Full Dmg

Do You Need To Fully Charge Zenyetta Attack To Do Full Dmg

Zen should never really beat a full hp rein 1v1ing, but he probably won't die either. He doesn't do anywhere near enough damage to break rein shield and kill him, Rein can spam Es or charge him to kill him, and there's pretty much no time when a rein would be 1v1ing a zen long enough for either of you to do anything significant to each other. Dec 29, 2015  Yeah I hate charge attacks too, how it is maded. It takes long time OK. But why, we must do fast attack which is stoping us from moving on some weapons and it looks stupid, because the most of the time you load the charge attack while going to the enemy, to hit him with charge attack immediately after reaching him. I mean she is on par with Zenyatta:D. No really, the difference is very minor in the T2 class but given the fact that she is reloading half of the time her burst is quite good. Angels dmg type. But think that way: You get in, almost kill a guy (max 150 dmg) and either you die while in the reload animation or you got lucky and have a second try to finish him of.

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Do You Need To Fully Charge Zenyetta Attack To Do Full Dmg Free


I will try to give you my opinion..

Thank you a for your detailed answer. I totally agree with you and I have nothing more to add.)) I will add your post to Q&A section.
Posted by
on Oct 4, 2019, 4:49:46 PM
how important is the spell cascade with desecrate in the CWDT setup? i see people posting it and i see on your char you use it, but you did not put it in the guide
also can anyone re-explain our defensive mecanism? (At the moment i am killing myself using cyclone, but I am wondering how exatly does the ES recharge and how we get our HP back?)
cna anyone look at my char too, to LMK what i can change so i can start using this build? (char name =XENO_cycl_CwC)
I know i need more HP, but i just bought all my bear (rly ncie HP on that belt and amulet)
i just need to get 10 more lvl to take like 10 life node (so aorund 50% more HP)
but beside that, is my gear good? i would only need more HP node?
Lastly, do VD ball count as minions? (minions multipler affects the ball?)
oh and also, why is arcane surge recommend to be only lvl 14? why not higher?
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
Last edited by xenochaos1 on Oct 4, 2019, 10:39:49 PM
Posted by
on Oct 4, 2019, 10:10:47 PM
Is there a way for me to properly 'test' Inpulsa's versus Carcass Jack in PoB? No matter what I do in the configuration, it shows Carcass Jack does more damage for me.
And if we're certain Inpulsa's should do more damage, does that apply to bosses like Shaper too (since no explosion)? I'm just sitting on a ready, 6-linked Inpulsa's but I'm unconvinced it'll be an upgrade. Of course I just got a good rare staff to craft so I'm going to have to painfully unlink it..
Last edited by Gotex007 on Oct 5, 2019, 12:05:57 AM
Posted by
on Oct 4, 2019, 11:39:00 PM
Can I get some advise/experience on those items? I am not rich enought to try them all..which combination would be best?
I cant decide between impulsa, carcass jack or infernal mantle
how good are the Stampede boot? why should I use this over a rare ?
2x circle of anguish VS 1xMark of the shaper+1x Elder ring?
which is better?
How good is impresence VS a rare ring ?
bisco leash VS rare

Loreweave would be a good option for your chest if you want to get a little bit tankier but still retain some good damage options.
Another option for an amulet that hasn't been mentioned is Aul's. You could go the cheap option which is a Discipline version which is far cheaper and helps you get that little bit tankier but still has the crit mod. Or you can go for the more expensive option and buy a Zealotry version.
Rampage and quant is definitely a nice thought but I can't see it worth losing a potential life/es/multi/spell damage jewel.
Posted by
on Oct 5, 2019, 4:09:16 AM
Again its just my personal opinion that might not align with OPs. :D
how important is the spell cascade with desecrate in the CWDT setup? i see people posting it and i see on your char you use it, but you did not put it in the guide

I think its a decent alternative to the golem or to just drop the increased duration like op did. it gives us some more corpses to work with. The golem doesnt add too much for us (for me its ~5k dmg per orb) and we dont rly need the increased duration as we just pop RF for some more extra burst and lets be real, everything gets blasted anyways :P
xenochaos1 wrote:

also can anyone re-explain our defensive mecanism? (At the moment i am killing myself using cyclone, but I am wondering how exatly does the ES recharge and how we get our HP back?)

We take the Mistress of Sacrifice ascendancy node, that allows spirit offering to be applied to us. Spirit offering in general gives 4% of minions max life as ES, so due to Mistress of Sacrifice instead we get 4% of our max life as ES(of course its only 75% of the original value as MoS also reduces the offerings effect by 25%). So if we get enough HP, the spirit offering will replenish more ES than what we consume due to Scolds dmg infliction. Therefore we can spin for eternity in hideout as long as Spirit offering gives us more ES back than what we deplete.
xenochaos1 wrote:

cna anyone look at my char too, to LMK what i can change so i can start using this build? (char name =XENO_cycl_CwC)

sorry im in a bit of hurry after writing the other stuff, but im sure OP will help u later :)
xenochaos1 wrote:

Lastly, do VD ball count as minions? (minions multipler affects the ball?)
oh and also, why is arcane surge recommend to be only lvl 14? why not higher?

I dont think that VD balls count as minions, but we take spiritual aid, as we get tons of minion dmg in our ascendancy and this boosts our or in this case the balls damage.
the higher the lvl of arcane surge the more mana u need to spend to get the spell dmg buff. A lvl 20 FlameDash costs 23 mana, so u want the arcane surge to be on a level where u can reliably proc it, e.g. i stopped mine at lvl 7 which is 32 mana so 2 flame dashes will give me the buff.

Is there a way for me to properly 'test' Inpulsa's versus Carcass Jack in PoB? No matter what I do in the configuration, it shows Carcass Jack does more damage for me.

In my POB a perfect carcass (50% area dmg) is the exact same dmg as an inpulsas (50% increased dmg if u have shocked..), but the thing in POB is the following:
Shock in general does this:Increased damage from shock is capped at 50%.
Shock from corpse pact is this:Other non-hit sources of shock, unless otherwise specified in the debuff, will increase damage taken by 20%. This scales with any modifiers to shock effectiveness.
So in POB if u enable 'Is the enemy shocked' it will assume a 50% dmg increase. Since our Wave of conviction should be fire dmg, we deal no lightning dmg, unless i missed something, so our shocks solely come from corpse pact. That means in general by checking this option in POB, we overestimate our dmg, cuz we only have the 20% dmg increase, this is where the inpulsas come into play. It increases the effect of shock therefore it scales this dmg increase higher.
So as a perfect dmg carcass and a perfect dmg inpulsas have the same dmg with the false shock assumption, that means that the 'real' dmg of carcass would be lower, as the shock dmg inc with inpulsas would bring us closer to the real dmg value that we deal.
Last edited by AisaHimegami on Oct 5, 2019, 10:39:35 AM
Posted by
on Oct 5, 2019, 10:39:06 AM
Great answers guys. Thank you all for help. Because of you I have time to actually play the game and not only write things on forum :3

cna anyone look at my char too, to LMK what i can change so i can start using this build? (char name =XENO_cycl_CwC)
I know i need more HP, but i just bought all my bear (rly ncie HP on that belt and amulet)
i just need to get 10 more lvl to take like 10 life node (so aorund 50% more HP)
but beside that, is my gear good? i would only need more HP node?

All is great but you are only level 67 and your character needs more life. Maybe change Circle of Anguish and Stampede for rare items with good chunk of life on them until level 80-85. Your leveling will be much smoother.
I like The Stampede only because of additional anoint and possibility to use mana flask instead of quicksilver to support my MoM. It gives me nice movement speed while spinning so I can just spin through maps. But for hard content I prefer life on boots.
Posted by
on Oct 5, 2019, 2:13:04 PM
Some question.
- What do you think of elder mod +x% Physical Dmg as Extra Fire on amulet? This mean +1 Siphoning Charge and this bonus is comparable to 30+% Crit Multi. Only for Disintegrator build. A BiS amulet will have both Crit and Extra Fire in this case.
- Cold Snap (lvl 7) could be a good option for mapping? According to my PoB 3 Frenzy charge means +11/12% more dmg. Using this in place of Golem it's a big boost, around +10% dmg with no-downside. Another option can be to substitute for mapping Vaal RF, and switch back for hardest boss. We trade +25/8% Damage every/for (x)sec with a solid +12%.
- In Tree it's possibile to go down to Heart of Warrior and Warrior Blood area, and sacrify Ash, Frost e Storm area? With same poins we have +250/300 life and +Life Regen, and one useful dext node. At cost of Reflex reduction and some Mana Regen (Shaper node). Can be a better option or Ash, Frost e Storm node is core?
The build it's really funny and efficient. Thanks!
Posted by
on Oct 5, 2019, 6:27:06 PM
Some question.
- What do you think of elder mod +x% Physical Dmg as Extra Fire on amulet? This mean +1 Siphoning Charge and this bonus is comparable to 30+% Crit Multi. Only for Disintegrator build. A BiS amulet will have both Crit and Extra Fire in this case.
- Cold Snap (lvl 7) could be a good option for mapping? According to my PoB 3 Frenzy charge means +11/12% more dmg. Using this in place of Golem it's a big boost, around +10% dmg with no-downside. Another option can be to substitute for mapping Vaal RF, and switch back for hardest boss. We trade +25/8% Damage every/for (x)sec with a solid +12%.
- In Tree it's possibile to go down to Heart of Warrior and Warrior Blood area, and sacrify Ash, Frost e Storm area? With same poins we have +250/300 life and +Life Regen, and one useful dext node. At cost of Reflex reduction and some Mana Regen (Shaper node). Can be a better option or Ash, Frost e Storm node is core?
The build it's really funny and efficient. Thanks!

Thank you dude. Here are my answers:
1. Sure! I just don't like PoE trade experience and trying to avoid it so I mostly craft rare items myself. But this thing should be great for sure.
2. Frenzy charges give us a lot of dps. I personally using different solution for charge generation - boots with Charging Offensive skill point annoint:

Cold Snap should work too but it can't generate charges on bosses unfortunatly.
3. I'm using Ash, Frost e Storm only for elemental reflect immune setup. You can easily ignore those 3 points. They give us not really a lot. Shaper node helps with mana issues, especially if you using MoM, but feel free to experiment.))
Posted by
on Oct 6, 2019, 2:40:51 AM
Truly loving this build.
Just got my hands on a CWC staff, wondering what crafts are optimal on it?
Posted by
on Oct 6, 2019, 4:09:57 PM
Truly loving this build.
Just got my hands on a CWC staff, wondering what crafts are optimal on it?

I found few great staffs in the league. I'll give some mods here so you can simply copy it and paste into your PoB to test.

This staff is actually one that I'm using now. Don't forget to check 'you are focused' in PoB's configuration.
Rarity: RARE
Demon Call
Eclipse Staff
Unique ID: 2c5d7b69897c920f05d9f478e4136c454853512c9c2cecbe12ec449c0ef21935
Shaper Item
Item Level: 77
Quality: 30
Sockets: G-B-G-W-W-B
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 1
100% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast While Channelling
20% increased Attack Speed
20% chance to deal Double Damage
{crafted}Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}68% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}Adds 43 to 95 Fire Damage to Spells
{crafted}29% chance to deal Double Damage while Focussed
{crafted}Gain 7% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Rarity: RARE
Armageddon Call
Eclipse Staff
Shaper Item
Item Level: 85
Quality: 20
Sockets: B-B-B-W-W-B
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 1
100% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast While Channelling
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Power Charge On Critical Strike
69% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}Adds 50 to 83 Fire Damage to Spells
{crafted}28% increased Cast Speed
{crafted}9% chance to deal Double Damage
{crafted}{range:0.5}(67-75)% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}{range:0.5}Gain (7-8)% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Rarity: RARE
Dread Call
Eclipse Staff
Shaper Item
Item Level: 80
Quality: 20
Sockets: B-B-B-G-B-G
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 1
100% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast While Channelling
Adds 51 to 99 Fire Damage to Spells
19% increased Attack Speed
20% chance to deal Double Damage
{crafted}Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}70% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}10% chance to deal Double Damage
{crafted}Gain 8% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Rarity: RARE
Entropy Mast
Eclipse Staff
Shaper Item
Item Level: 80
Quality: 20
Sockets: B B R-B
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 1
100% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast While Channelling
17% increased Attack Speed
20% chance to deal Double Damage
{crafted}Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}{range:1}(67-75)% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}{range:0.134}Gain (7-8)% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
{crafted}{range:0.5}Adds (41-55) to (83-96) Fire Damage to Spells
{crafted}{range:0.5}(76-105)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
Posted by
on Oct 6, 2019, 9:22:25 PM

Do You Need To Fully Charge Zenyetta Attack To Do Full Dmg

Do You Need To Fully Charge Zenyetta Attack To Do Full Dmg 2017

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Do You Need To Fully Charge Zenyetta Attack To Do Full Dmg Play

So how would this build do in a pure Chayula breachtone? Clearing with CD and Chayula with BF. He does have chaos damage which shouldn't be a problem and also heavy physical damage.
I will only have one shot as its in SSF and took forever to collect the stones.
I should have most of the core items except the ones from über Atziri but there are alternatives for that.
Last edited by McZuzlak on Mar 21, 2019, 1:47:15 PM
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 1:17:47 PM
I'm currently leveling this build, it's nice to finally see a hybrid ES/ER build!
I have two questions though: first, what's your opinion on acrobatics/phase acrobatics? Acro used to reduce ES by 50% and the number was changed to 30% to, I quote, 'better enable hybrid ES/ER builds', what do you think ? And second, the chance to evade is very high, but in my (pretty thin) experience with ER builds, spells tend to kill me a lot, and I'm afraid fights with a lot of spells like Uber Elder could be very deadly without some kind of leech (we only gain one ghost shroud per second..) How's your experience in such encounters?
Thanks in again, and thanks for the build!
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 1:30:20 PM
So how would this build do in a pure Chayula breachtone? Clearing with CD and Chayula with BF. He does have chaos damage which shouldn't be a problem and also heavy physical damage.
I will only have one shot as its in SSF and took forever to collect the stones.
I should have most of the core items except the ones from über Atziri but there are alternatives for that.

This build seems like an odd choice to try SSF, its very unique heavy.
I havn't done Chayula this character only Uul-Netol but If you can take down the guardians I don't see why you can't take down Chayula
I'm currently leveling this build, it's nice to finally see a hybrid ES/ER build!
I have two questions though: first, what's your opinion on acrobatics/phase acrobatics? Acro used to reduce ES by 50% and the number was changed to 30% to, I quote, 'better enable hybrid ES/ER builds', what do you think ? And second, the chance to evade is very high, but in my (pretty thin) experience with ER builds, spells tend to kill me a lot, and I'm afraid fights with a lot of spells like Uber Elder could be very deadly without some kind of leech (we only gain one ghost shroud per second..) How's your experience in such encounters?
Thanks in again, and thanks for the build!

Phase acrobactics might be worth it for 1 or 2 points but not 8. The points spent pathing there and on regular acrobatics/attack dodge nodes are wasted points as the character is already practically immune to attacks.
'only 1 ghost shroud per second' I think is underestimating their effect. The primary defense of this build is not the evade chance or the 20% spell dodge but the ghost shrouds.
A standard 10k ES build at capped Ghost reaver leech gains 2,000 ES per second. This build gets 2,500 ES per second + 1,000 ES per second from leech + you spend 99% of the time with more then 1 ghost shroud so your regen potential is much higher then that minimum threshhold
Its kind of comparable to slayer leech how it stacks up when not getting hit and continues overhealing you while re-positioning and doing other things.
That being said Uber elder probably is too much of a cluster bomb of exclusively spell content. I think the build could do it but probably not deathless. I think this character is more a fast mapper/guardian/shaper farmer then uber elder.
Last edited by WaffleT on Mar 21, 2019, 3:50:31 PM
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 2:42:49 PM
Phase acrobactics might be worth it for 1 or 2 points but not 8. The points spent pathing there and on regular acrobatics/attack dodge nodes are wasted points as the character is already practically immune to attacks.
'only 1 ghost shroud per second' I think is underestimating their effect. The primary defense of this build is not the evade chance or the 20% spell dodge but the ghost shrouds.
A standard 10k ES build at capped Ghost reaver leech gains 2,000 ES per second. This build gets 2,500 ES per second + 1,000 ES per second from leech + you spend 99% of the time with more then 1 ghost shroud so your regen potential is much higher then that minimum threshhold
Its kind of comparable to slayer leech how it stacks up when not getting hit and continues overhealing you while re-positioning and doing other things. I have not tried uber elder yet and I think I should probably get some more damage first but on the defensive front I'm more comfortable with this character then anything else I've played even against spells

Alright, thanks for the answer :) I'll see how it goes!
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 3:50:21 PM
How does this fare with a Kintsugi or a Qotf?
Overall, seems like a solid build as I also wanted to do a charged dash build with the new infusion gem support.
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 4:01:46 PM
I've been trying to min/max this build as much as possible because I like it so much :) and I still had a couple questions:
1. does PoB reflect 100% damage? so when you're at max charged dash it's 150% of that number?
2. Pob also doesn't seem accurate because of the mechanics of charged dash. I.e. if I do little circles then I can overlap one enemy 2-3 times, which would imply 2-3x the damage.
If I'm right about the above, my PoB says 1.3m (with flasks) which means it's 1.95m when the illusion has finished moving then 4-6m (with the overlapping).
Here's my current setup: https://pastebin.com/ny7p2chv
Major changes I made was to incorporate culling strike, Haste, Phase Run, and Rotgut flask (which I have up 100% of the time) and swapped elemental focus for conc so I can shock 44% of the time.

Thanks again for this build, it's my new favorite.
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 10:00:28 PM
Hey Im thinkin about doing this build, it seems awesome, what about uber elder?.. Thanks..
Last edited by Vyr75 on Mar 21, 2019, 10:52:10 PM
Posted by
on Mar 21, 2019, 10:51:26 PM
How does this fare with a Kintsugi or a Qotf?
Overall, seems like a solid build as I also wanted to do a charged dash build with the new infusion gem support.

Qotf would be good for clear. I also looked at the chest. Lose a chunk of ES and really tough to get the right colours though
I've been trying to min/max this build as much as possible because I like it so much :) and I still had a couple questions:
1. does PoB reflect 100% damage? so when you're at max charged dash it's 150% of that number?
2. Pob also doesn't seem accurate because of the mechanics of charged dash. I.e. if I do little circles then I can overlap one enemy 2-3 times, which would imply 2-3x the damage.
If I'm right about the above, my PoB says 1.3m (with flasks) which means it's 1.95m when the illusion has finished moving then 4-6m (with the overlapping).
Here's my current setup: https://pastebin.com/ny7p2chv
Major changes I made was to incorporate culling strike, Haste, Phase Run, and Rotgut flask (which I have up 100% of the time) and swapped elemental focus for conc so I can shock 44% of the time.
Thanks again for this build, it's my new favorite.

1. Pob does not apply the multiplier so yes it should be 1.95 Mil when at full distance
2. According to the wiki the aoe cannot overlap. This is inconsistent with other skills but understandable as that would be overpowered and very obvious as the difference between 2 mill and 6 mill would be immediately apparent
Getting a lvl 4 enlighten is a good but expensive upgrade and does allow for swapping out purity of elements for a different aura (after finding alternative resistances). I would have chosen wrath over haste though it has almost double the damage and the build already gets quite alot of movement speed. It also enables getting the 'lightning pen while effected by wrath' watchers eye which is a solid damage boost too
I dislike shock in general but in particular for builds like this one that are heavy on attack speed. shaper has 18,328,731 Life so to fully shock him a single lightning hit would need to be 1,832,873 dmg. Even to get just a 1% more damage shock you need to do a 366,574 individual lightning hit
Your characters individual hit range is between 14,162 - 170,279 flasked (21,243 - 255,418 at full channel) which is just too low since most of the DPS comes from attack speed not a single large hit. Even lower bosses that are not hard enough that you really need shock have this problem. Hydra needs a hit of 190,753 to get a 1% more damage shock which is only just within your range and won't actually increase your damage very much
Culling strike on the totems is correct. I always forget to put them down anyway so tend to underutilise them. Glad you are having fun.
Hey Im thinkin about doing this build, it seems awesome, what about uber elder?.. Thanks..

I think the build could do uber elder with modifications (blade flurry use, maybe some defense upgrades) but its not really the target of the build. Its more about smooth mapping and guardian farming. Pretty good at uber lab and master content too
Last edited by WaffleT on Mar 22, 2019, 3:42:05 AM
Posted by
on Mar 22, 2019, 3:35:00 AM
I dislike shock in general but in particular for builds like this one that are heavy on attack speed. shaper has 18,328,731 Life so to fully shock him a single lightning hit would need to be 1,832,873 dmg. Even to get just a 1% more damage shock you need to do a 366,574 individual lightning hit

If i'm understanding shock mechanic right, you are little miscalculated. For 1% more damage without any increases of shock chances you need only 0.2% of mob's HP, so in case with Shaper it is just 36,657 hit, so with average 14,162 - 170,279 flasked (21,243 - 255,418 at full channel) you can get up to 7-8% of more damage.
Posted by
on Mar 22, 2019, 5:24:57 AM

If i'm understanding shock mechanic right, you are little miscalculated. For 1% more damage without any increases of shock chances you need only 0.2% of mob's HP, so in case with Shaper it is just 36,657 hit, so with average 14,162 - 170,279 flasked (21,243 - 255,418 at full channel) you can get up to 7-8% of more damage.

Well corrected I made an error calculating the threshold.
I rechecked because it didn't seem probable to me that dash would be getting shocks that high against shaper and noticed that their pastebin target was not set to shaper and had 'shocked' ticked which applies a full 50% more shock which will not be happening in this case
New Math
Their top-end flasked individual hit is 77,098 (115,647 full channel)
Requirement to get the 1% minimum shock is 36,657 individual lightning hit so with good luck a 3-4% shock is obtainable and against lesser bosses like hydra you can shock up to 6-7% more damage.
However they are using added lightning damage support which gives 24% more damage while as elemental focus gives 50% more damage so until the build is capable of inflicting a 26% more damage shock then focus will result in better and more consistent damage
Posted by
on Mar 22, 2019, 5:55:29 AM